Holiday Glow: How to Look Fresh This Festive Season Using Very Few Products

Holiday Glow: How to Look Fresh This Festive Season Using Very Few Products

The countdown ‘til Christmas has officially begun. If you haven’t already started shopping for people on your list, let this serve as a reminder to start now! That’s one thing about the holiday season— it takes weeks of preparation to make sure you cross every to-do off your list, so you don’t lose out on all the fun from last-minute scrambles.

But sometimes, even when we plan early, we forget one of the most important things to do — taking care of ourselves! Preparing for Christmas can be chaotic, and if you’re not careful, it’s easy for the stress and chaos to show in your physical appearance. Read below to find out how to achieve an effortless holiday glow.

How to Get Your Christmas Glow On — Less Is More

You don’t need many products to look your best for the Holidays; applying too many products on your skin can be counterproductive. Sometimes, less is more, and by just sticking to a simple skincare regimen that suits your skin type, your skin will feel just right.

Here’s how to achieve that Christmas glow with just a few products:

1. Increase your water intake.

Drinking more water is the key to all of our problems – not really, but you know what we mean.

Staying hydrated is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself and your body will thank you. Not only is water good for overall body functioning, but it also keeps you looking fresh and healthy.

Drinking water doesn’t have to be a necessary evil. You can spice it up by adding flavored powders and eating water rich foods like fruits & vegetables instead of just gulping liters of water daily. For example, coconut water works great for hydration too.

2. Eat a Balanced Diet

You are what you eat, and you can eat your way into glowy skin with a balanced diet. Your diet should contain lots of proteins and vitamins. To name a few, tomatoes, carrots, salmon, papaya, spinach, green tea, and eggs all contain quality nutrients that keep your skin radiant.

3. Get Lots of Fresh Air

Fresh air boosts circulation, and circulation helps the nutrients get to all the parts of your body that need them. Remember to take some time off for a walk regularly; your skin will thank you for it.

4. Don’t Forget to Exfoliate

Dead skin cells accumulate and clog your skin over time, leading to acne and outbreaks. You can prevent this and remove the dead cells by using an exfoliator regularly.

5. Apply a Good Moisturizer

While hydration helps your skin from the inside, a good moisturizer does the outside job. Place some emphasis on “good.” Some moisturizers are harmful to your skin and would clog your pores, giving you a result opposite of what you intended. To be on the safe side, go for non-comedogenic moisturizers.

6. Use a Mild Facial Cleanser

A gentle facial cleanser that is just right for your skin type will help you remove deep-seated dirt that can clog your pores. You can pick the best facial cleansers here.

Avoid These Major Glow-Killers

1. Sugar

You should avoid sugar and junk food like a plague. Sugars lead to a spike in insulin, and insulin encourages inflammation of the skin. We know this is hard, but you’ve got to decide — a radiant skin or more acne for Christmas?

2. Sleeping with Makeup On

This is an absolute no-no. Sleeping with makeup encourages premature aging, clogged pores, and more pimples. You should have some mild face wipes handy for the days you’d be too exhausted to wash your makeup off.

3. Drinking Too Much Alcohol

You should indulge yourself in some drinks once in a while, but don’t make a habit of it. Too much alcohol increases the inflammatory agents in your bloodstream and makes your skin age.

4. Not Putting on Sunscreen

You shouldn’t stay a day without sunscreen, or you’re at risk of hyperpigmentation. Sunscreen prevents UVA and UVB rays from reaching our skin and causing wrinkles. These rays are also the major culprits that cause skin cancer.

5. Squeezing a Pimple

If you’ve formed a habit of squeezing, plucking or popping your pimples, you should stop immediately. Squeezing a pimple spreads bacteria further into your pores and causes that area to scar. You should dry your pimples with salicylic acid instead, whenever you’re tempted to pop it.

6. Dirty Makeup Brushes

Ensure that your makeup brushes and tools are clean before you use them on your face. Dirty makeup brushes can spread bacteria and germs on your face while also clogging your pores and causing skin irritations. You should wash your makeup tools once every two weeks and leave them to dry overnight.

Look your best this Holiday season with our glow tips. The key to healthy, glowing skin is not a barrage of products. This season, learn the importance of less being more when it comes to skincare and radiate a soft, holiday glow as you enjoy the festive season.

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