7 Myths About Acne Debunked and Healthy Maintenance Tips

7 Myths About Acne Debunked and Healthy Maintenance Tips

Nothing can cause more insecurity than when you look in the mirror and notice a blemish—especially acne. Blackheads, pimples, and whiteheads cause even the most confident of women to feel self-conscious.

What exactly is acne?

In short, acne is a relatively common condition that results from clogged or blocked skin pores.

So, what can you do about it? What causes it, and how do you prevent it?

Read on and discover seven common myths about acne, acne truths, and healthy tips to maintain healthy, glowing, blemish-free skin.

7 Myths About Acne—Debunked!

  1. Acne only affects teenagers. While teenagers most commonly develop acne, it can affect adults as well. Adult acne consists of two subtypes: persistent acne—or acne that develops during the teenage years and fails to go away, and late-onset acne—or acne that begins after someone hits the age of 25. While acne becomes less prevalent over time, approximately 20% of people between the ages of 20 and 70 develop the condition.
  2. Acne results from unclean skin. Acne development is a comprehensive process and is a disorder of the skin’s pilosebaceous unit, which is composed of an oil-producing gland, hair follicle, and hair. Hormone levels impact the oil-producing gland’s size and behavior, and under certain circumstances, will increase in size and produce more oil. Then, skin cells transform into sticky, trapping pores, while bacteria known as P. acnes multiply, resulting in spots.
  3. Acne is the result of stress. While this myth may have some element of truth, it is hard to quantify. Studies have shown that youngsters have increased acne breakouts during their final exams. Still, it is difficult to determine the causation, as not all students with acne have an increase in breakouts during stressful circumstances. There is no proof that stress hormones can make acne worse.
  4. Avoid abrasive acne products. Abrasive products to treat acne are effective—especially for those with oily skin. By gently exfoliating one time per week, dead skin cells are immediately removed from the surface of your skin, leaving it brighter and reducing the chance of blackhead development.
  5. It is perfectly okay to pop a pimple. It is important not to squeeze, scratch, pick, or pop your spots as it could lead to skin damage and potentially result in permanent pigmentation marks or scars. Instead, use a spot-directed treatment like salicylic acid to dry it up and calm down the inflammation.
  6. Chocolate and soda cause acne. Although somewhat controversial, no evidence proves consuming chocolate and soda cause acne. Some research suggests that the presence of P. acnes bacteria in chocolate increases the release of the chemicals that cause inflammation. Researchers and scientists alike have yet to establish a diet’s causative factor(s) for acne.
  7. Avoid makeup if you have acne. You do not need to avoid makeup if you have acne. Using a concealer on the spots themselves can increase your self-confidence and make you feel more secure. Ensure you choose the right products based on your skin type. Remember that some makeup products can exacerbate acne, like thick foundations which can block pores. But using light, loose powder foundations (such as mineral powder) will give you the coverage you want and not aggravate your skin.

Now that you know the truth about acne myths, here is a list of healthy skin maintenance tips.

Healthy Skin Maintenance Tips

  1. Wash your face twice each dayWash your face with a gentle cleanser morning and night. Studies reveal that those prone to acne who wash their face twice per day had a significant improvement in acne lesions, while those who only washed their face once had the most significant increase in pimple development. A two time per day face cleansing regime will keep breakouts at bay. Face wipes in your nightstand drawer is a good idea for the nights when you are just too exhausted to complete a thorough cleanse.
  2. Use a gentle, mild facial cleanser that is right for your skin type. Pick a cleanser based on your skin’s needs and choose the product’s ingredients accordingly. Oily skin responds best to products containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and glycolic acid. Sensitive skin responds best to products with lactic acid or hydrating ingredients such as glycerin. Know the difference between alpha and beta hydroxy acids. Make sure the cleanser you decide on is fragrance-free.
  3. Use moisturizer. Your skin needs hydration, so choose a moisturizer that is non-comedogenic, meaning it will not clog your pores. Moisturizers labeled as “lightweight” may be the best choice for those with oily skin. Sometimes, switching to heavier moisturizers during the colder months will help the skin if it feels tight and dry.
  4. Do not avoid exfoliating.  Exfoliation is an essential step in your skincare regime as it helps to remove dead skin cells. If dead skin cells stay on the surface of your skin, they will clog your pores, leading to breakouts. Leaving them there will also cause your skin to look dull, flaky, and aged. When you exfoliate, whether you use a chemical exfoliant or a mechanical/physical exfoliant, ensure that you do not over-exfoliate. When you exfoliate too often, the skin can turn red, become inflamed, and irritated.
  5. Drink tea and tailor diet. Some studies have suggested that tea can reduce acne by up to 25% because it has anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking two cups of tea—especially spearmint tea—per day can act as a natural adjunct hormonal acne treatment. Research suggests that when it comes to your diet, avoid foods with a high glycemic index as it may be linked to acne. To cut back on foods with a high glycemic index, avoid carbohydrates, cut back on sugar, eat more fruits and vegetables, and limit alcohol consumption.

Acne can be very frustrating and annoying. But when you know what is true and false about the condition and learn how you can treat it, you will feel better about the skin you are in.

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