Amika Bust Your Brass Cool Blonde Repair Conditioner 8.45 oz


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Introducing the Amika Bust Your Brass Cool Blonde Repair Conditioner – the ultimate lifesaver for blondes in need of some serious TLC! You can now say goodbye to dull, brassy locks and hello to vibrant, lustrous hair that will turn heads wherever you go.

We understand the struggles that come with maintaining beautiful blonde hair. From harsh environmental factors to constant styling, your locks can easily become damaged and lose their shine. That’s why we created this innovative conditioner that not only repairs and hydrates, but also tones those stubborn brassy and orange undertones that can ruin your blonde perfection.

What sets this conditioner apart is its powerful purple pigments that work their magic to counteract those unwanted brassy tones. With clinically proven results, you can trust that your hair will be transformed into the glorious shade of blonde that you’ve always dreamed of. No more hiding under hats or avoiding social gatherings – it’s time to embrace your blonde bombshell status!